
FIFA XI is fun to play and has some great ppl on it

As a x-player of FFXI i played for over 3 years the bold is fun to play and has some abundant ppl on it i fabricated so intresting accompany but i stoped arena cos i got boerd with it i apperceive play apple of warcraft and accept done for over 5 months now if you attending at the World of Warcraft EU Gold bold there is a veary big biffrenc in them FFXI i would say is for messing about on and haveing fun but if you wish gameing fun and a chalange afresh i would accept to say you charge to play WoW there is added to do its harder to lvl and there are bigger wepons and spells the bold is a lot bigger afresh FFXI but don't get me amiss i play WoW but FFXI all tho thay charge to accomplish it bigger on affair like weps and spells i would never get rid of the bold of my laptop so in time i can go aback to it and play afresh but at this moment in time.

I will play WoW there in FFXI there are added chic and jobs but the spells blot in FFXI i was a tura rura WHM i was a alleviate by affection and in WoW i play a animal pallydin healer the healing spells in WOW EU CD Key are acceptable but thay accept linits on what you can do as a healer you audacious use 1 spell to alleviate but in WoW there are 7 spells as a affectionate healer that you charge to use and omg its not simple to alleviate in a dungen HC on WOW any way i accept had my say so accord out FFXI-hotwisdom server bogie Apple of warcraft-hotwisdom server-eonor accept fun breach safe and bethink to yield a breach every so generally and remeber not to let the amateur over yield your activity you accept ancestors and accompany as able-bodied as the bold accord out ya all.

